CLOSED SESSION Closed Session Text CALL TO ORDER Public Comments Regarding Closed Session 1. Closed Session - Serrato, Pucio and Loandepot 2. Closed Session Negotiations Adjourn to Regular Session REGULAR SESSION CALL TO ORDER Report out from Closed Session Action on any Closed Session items: Action of any Requests for Excused Absence: Pledge of Allegiance Approval / Adjustments to the Agenda Conflict of Interest Disclosure: ANNOUNCEMENTS/ RECOGNITION / PROCLAMATIONS/ CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD CONSENT CALENDAR 3. Minutes 04.07.2020 4. Request for Authorization to Submit an Application for Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grant Funding 5. Performance Bond Acceptance and Security Agreement for McDonald Property Group. Tract 36426 4th Street Storm Drain and Street Improvements 6. Quarterly Council Travel Reimb Report 7. Retention Met Records 04.21.20 8. Review of FY 2020 Budget to Actual for the General Fund and Wastewater Fund PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. SRTP Public Hearing ACTION ITEMS 10. LCTOP Resolution 11. PLC Upgrade Design (CIP 2019-018) Award 12. CEDG First Amendment 13. Adopt List of Projects Funded by SB 1 14. Contract Amendment #3 for Falcon Engineering Services, Inc. for the Potrero Boulevard Interchange Project Phase 1/1A 15. FY 2020-21 Budget Discussion 16. Four Seasons Lift Station - Ratification of payment for Emergency Repairs 17. Noble Creek Lift Station - Ratification of Emergency Purchase 18. WWTP Change Order 15 19. WWTP Update 20. SBEMP Invoices LEGISLATIVE UPDATES AND DISCUSSION Legislative Update COUNCIL REPORTS CITY TREASURER REPORT CITY CLERK REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT 22. Pending Litigation 04.21.20 CITY MANAGER REPORT FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT (Edit Me)