MEETING PARTICIPATION NOTICE CLOSED SESSION Closed Session Text CALL TO ORDER Public Comments Regarding Closed Session MOU Negotiations Adjourn to Regular Session REGULAR SESSION CALL TO ORDER Report out from Closed Session Action on any Closed Session Items Action of any Requests for Excused Absence Pledge of Allegiance Approval / Adjustments to the Agenda Conflict of Interest Disclosure ANNOUNCEMENTS/ RECOGNITION / PROCLAMATIONS/ CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD CONSENT CALENDAR Ratification of Warrants CC Minutes 05.18.21 Wildflower Park Cert of Acceptance and Resolution Resolution Clarifying the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule First Street and California Offer of Dedication Beaumont Unified School District Agreement for Livescan Fingerprinting Approval of Gann Limit for FY2021-22 Chatigny Center HVAC Controls Upgrade PUBLIC HEARINGS Formation of CFD 2021-1 Consideration of a Development Agreement for Beaumont Crossroads I (formerly known as Rolling Hills Ranch Specific Plan) Establishing Sewer Discharge Limitations Consideration of an Ordinance of The City Council of The City of Beaumont, California, adding Chapter 17.11.150 “Storage Facilities” to the Beaumont Municipal Code CIP Adoption 2022-2026 ACTION ITEMS Refunding Pooled CFD 2021 Bonds FY2022 Budget Adoption Presentation of Parking Management Master Plan Findings SB 1 - The Road Repair and Accountability Act Animal Control Officer Agreement with the City of Calimesa PO for EV shuttles LCTOP Resolution Brine Line Flow Improvements Beaumont Mesa Lift Station Emergency Pump Purchase Project Purchase of High Pressure Spray System Data Center Upgrade BCVPRD Regional Park Cancellation of July 6 CC meeting LEGISLATIVE UPDATES AND DISCUSSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE CITY TREASURER REPORT CITY CLERK REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY MANAGER REPORT May Project Updates FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT (Edit Me)